The Multisport Academy Programme is a specialized sports programme targeted for local young people that have been identified within the programmes offered at the Centre as talentful in their sport.
Using a complete set of methods such as teaching, formations, sports trainings, promotion of sports and competitions, this sport specialization programme is designed to fully support and help the identified talentful children reach their full potential in their relevant sport. It provides hope and enables its participant to believe in their dreams and strive in their pursuit of excellence. It is also a step forward in ensuring Haiti’s young elite and sport development.
The programme was initiated by the Centres’ programme coordination team in response to the 2014 Summer Camp. During this sports camp, local young people initiated to athletics were given the opportunity to take part in a juvenile level competition, where their great performances lead them to win 17 medals. Motivated by the will to develop the full potential of these young participants and give them the opportunity to aim for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, the coach wished to continue training these children.